Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church - Hot Springs Village, AR
Ruth & Mike Kerwin picking up meals for delivery
Ruth & Mike Kerwin picking up meals for delivery
The Sacred Heart Men's Club takes responsibility during February of each year for delivering hot meals, prepared at the McAuley Center, to individuals in the Village that can't cook for themselves and in many cases are unable to drive anymore. This year there were approximately 30 delieries each week day that were made by 9 couples (husband and wife) and 20 other members of the Club during the month. The route to make the deliveries was over 50 miles and required approximately 3 hours to complete. Mike and Ruth Kerwin are shown making the pickup of the food at the McAuley Center. 

Dan Murphy is the coordinator of this project and was told by the director at McAuley Center that the Men's Club was one of the best organiztions to work with as they showed up each day and were dedicated in getting the food delivered on time.

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