Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club is an organization of Catholic men formed to provide for personal spiritual growth, fellowship and to promote parish and community charities both through financial support and service. Membership is open to all men that are members of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish or spouses of parish members.
The club meets monthly from September to May with a dinner meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. In addition, the club conducts various fund raising activities during the year and also sponsors special events during the year such as a Feast before the Fast on Holy Thursday.
There are approximately 95 members. Annual dues are $15 payable in September.
To become a member, contact Russ Harrison by phone at 501-922-1767 or by email at or
The club meets monthly from September to May with a dinner meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. In addition, the club conducts various fund raising activities during the year and also sponsors special events during the year such as a Feast before the Fast on Holy Thursday.
There are approximately 95 members. Annual dues are $15 payable in September.
To become a member, contact Russ Harrison by phone at 501-922-1767 or by email at or